How To Find Bankruptcy Records

Why are Bankruptcy Details Required?

There may be many reasons why anyone would be interested in finding out if an individual or a business firm has filed bankruptcy. Bankruptcy lists and records help a person to make financial decisions of potential business partners, businesses, insurance companies, financial institutions, banks, and individuals seeking loan.

How To Find Bankruptcy Records – Searching for Bankruptcy Records

Bankruptcy hearings are processed in Federal Courts and the case records are accessible by the public. Some of the ways to access the records are:

Bankruptcy Voice Case Information Systems (VCIS)

Getting bankruptcy statistics from case records can be simple but time consuming,  gathering all the information necessary may become a tedious task. For any information on bankruptcy cases, one can to call the automated VCIS number of the bankruptcy court and run a search by either social security number, complete name or case number. The automated system reads out the information about the required case. The VCIS is available 24-hours a day. To gather many records it may be simpler to use a Bankrupcty List.


One can also get a PACER account. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is the electronic access of the Federal Judiciary’s centralized registration, technical and billing support to the US District, Bankruptcy and Appellate court records. The user can either view or print the case documents online.

Case Information in Person

The divisional office of each bankruptcy court has public access terminals which allow the public to view bankruptcy records.

Certified Copies of Bankruptcy documents

Certified copies of bankruptcy case records can be obtained either in person or by mail from the divisional office where the bankruptcy case was filed. In order to do so, the user needs to have the bankruptcy case number and also the docket number of the document which is to be certified.

BEBData, has core competency in bankruptcy data compilation. Our bankruptcy database, which holds over 20 million bankruptcy records, has accurate and up-to-date bankruptcy records collected daily from courthouses nationwide for effective utilization of the records for various intelligence purposes. So one no longer has to figure out how to find bankruptcy records, BEBData has years of experience compiling bankruptcy data. Our expertise and reliable data allows for highly responsive bankruptcy leads. The required specialization and knowledge in bankruptcy data compilation has made us the trusted partners of individuals and a wide range of industries including automobiles and financial marketing firms.

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