Our BK data is compiled daily from courthouses, nationwide.
Bankruptcy data is our specialty and we are experts. Our database of over 24 million records is compiled by us and contains a wide array of information such as case number, chapter, discharge or dismissal, filing date or status. All of our data is standardized, CASS Certified, DPV coded and an NCOA (National Change of Address) is run as data is gathered prior to submission to our master database. We gather the data directly from local courthouses nationwide and guarantee that you are receiving the most up to date and accurate data available. Our commitment to ensure each transaction is unique and valuable for our clients transfers directly to their bottom line.
Our count system is lightning fast, easy to use and available 24 hours a day. We have an assortment of count selects available such as geography, status or previous order suppression. Our output menu includes case number, chapter, discharge or dismissal, filing date or status.
If you don’t already have an account, sign up for one now by clicking here. If you need assistance, our expert client service and sales representatives are only one phone call away.