Where Can You Find the Most Accurate Bankruptcy Data

Where Can You Find the Most Accurate Bankruptcy Data

Bankruptcy is usually initiated by the debtor and imposed by a bankruptcy court order. It serves to inform creditors of financial restructuring to avoid total loss for creditors. Filing bankruptcy helps these people to make a fresh start either by liquidating their assets to repay debts or by the creation of a new repayment plan.

The bankruptcy records, which are maintained, are also available for the public. These records give you accurate financial history about any person that you are interested. The information is also easy to obtain and easy to access.

There are many ways in which you can obtain the bankruptcy statistics of a bankruptcy case:

Case Information in Person

Bankruptcy records are available for public viewing in every Bankruptcy Court divisional office with the help of the public access terminals.

Case information through Phone

You can also avail information about any case through the court’s toll free automated Voice Case Information System (VCIS) which is available 24 hours a day. You will need the case number, complete name or a social security number to get details about the case.

Online Case Information

The electronic public access service, Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), gives access about the case and docket information to any user with internet connections and a PACER account. You can print copies of the record that you want, download it or search information related to your case. A fee will be charged for each page that you access and view. To use the PACER services you need to register yourself first at its website http://www.pacer.gov.

Archived Case Information

Cases which have been closed for a year or more are transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). In case you require any case information or copies of documents from the bankruptcy list, you will need the Transfer Number, Box Number and Location Number. These details will have to be obtained from the office of the clerk where the bankruptcy case had been filed. Archived case information can be obtained in person, over phone or by writing to the Records Department where the case was filed.

With over 20 million bankruptcy records in our Bankruptcy database, BEBData, the leaders in bankruptcy data compilation, have the expertise to offer you a range of information on various cases from filing dates, discharges and dismissals to bankruptcy leads.

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