Ron just figured out that he was this year’s recipient of the prestigious AMSP-SW Helsley Family Award.
The Association of Marketing Service Providers, Southwest Chapter presented it’s lifetime achievement honor, The Helsley Family Award, to Ron Royall, President and CEO of BEB-Business Extension Bureau.
The presentation was made at the association’s 2014 annual convention in April. Since its inception in 1971, this award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated a long history of significant and outstanding achievement in the marketing service provider industry. It can only be won once, and past recipients select each new winner. Royall is a second-generation Helsley Family Award recipient as his father, Robert “Bob” Royall, founder of BEB-Texas, was presented the honor in 2001.
BEB is a family owned, marketing production company, founded in 1949 and located in the museum district of Houston, Texas. Ron Royall earned his degree in accounting and finance from Texas A&M in 1984 and started his career as a tax accountant with Arthur Andersen, the largest accounting firm in the world at the time.
Returning to the family business to help with a transitional period in 1991, Royall grew the business by upgrading the company’s computer system, expanding service offerings and constructing the financial arm of the creation of BEBdata. BEBdata is one of the largest consumer bankruptcy data compilers in the U.S. today.
Bob Royall, turned over the reins as CEO to his son, Ron, in 2007 to lead the company and face the challenges surrounding the recession. Under the second-generation Royall, the company has grown. Revenues increased by 15%, expanding service offerings now include strategic marketing plans, analytics, and full service printing which includes offset, digital, and wide-format. A leader in social marketing media, BEB has received multiple awards for their social media, video marketing, and direct mail campaigns.