Tag Archives: Houston

Most Viewed Pages

bebdata dot com fun factsWe were reviewing our website statistics and found that 11.5% of our website hits come from our blog!

Most read blog (to date) is the Fairness for Struggling Students Act (posted on April 24).  Coming in at a close second is the blog on our recent Graphic Excellence Award win, posted on March 15.  Rounding out the top three most popular posts is our Ro Royall at the Houston Zoo Partners Summit.
Some other interesting stats include:

  • Our top two most visited webpages are the Home Page and Resource Center!
  • Of outside links directing people to our website:

* 21.7% come from our sister company’s wesbite bebtexas.com
* 11.7% come from Twitter
* 5% come from LinkedIn
* 2.1 % from the QR codes on our 2013 Calendar landing pages

Too Big To Fail & Too Big To Jail

CAPITOL HILLBankruptcy and risk management experts discussed details regarding deficiencies of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law at a House Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday.
The core provision of the 2010 reform law was to keep the government from paying the bailout bill of major financial institutions when they fail.  However, federal government financial regulators still have discretion to subsidize large financial institutions if their failure threatens the economy.
Officials have publicly noted that the government’s ability to prosecute large institutions and their executives for financial crimes is hindered when institutions are treated as “too big to fail”.
Possible corrections discussed including shrinking the biggest institutions and reducing their risk to the financial system.  California Democrat Brad Sherman used the phrase “too big to fail and too big to jail”.  He said that no institution should be so large that its creditors believe they will be bailed out and its executives believe they are immune from the laws.
A second fix discussed included greatly limiting or all together doing away with regulators’ option of funding and restructuring a failing institution outside of bankruptcy.

Corporate Wins Hermes Award!

There is a lot of excitement around here today as our corporate office was notified that they have earned a 2013 Gold-Hermes Awards for the twitter social media campaign in the Emerging Market category!
There were over 5,600 entries throughout the US and several other countries in this years competition and judging is based on quality, creativity and resourfulness.  It’s an added bonus to win gold in the emerging market category and we’re all very proud to be honored by this prestigious organization.
The Hermes award is an international competition for creative concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media and is conducted by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.

You can see an outline of the entry by clicking here!