Tag Archives: Chapter 7 filings


2013/2014 Consumer BK ComparisonDuring the 12-month period ending December 31, 2014, 936,795 cases were filed in federal bankruptcy courts, down from the 1,071,932 bankruptcy cases filed in calendar year 2013—a 12.6 percent drop in filings.


Chapter 7 Filings / Discharges

Top 10 States by Volume for 2014

BEBdata blog presents bankruptcy records of the 2014 Chapter 7 Filings & Discharges. CA leads the pack with almost double the runner up state of FL.

Chapter 7 Filings / Discharges | Top 10 States by Volume - Bankruptcy Records from BEBdata


A Look Back – Chapter 7 Filings Stats

Top 5 States with Reduced % of Filings

Bankruptcy Records, Bankruptcy Lists & Bankruptcy Data by BEBdata

Top 5 States with Most Reduced % of Chapter 7 Filings - BEBdata Bankruptcy DataPLEASE NOTE: Our data is based on one per household, minus multiple filers and has been cleansed to postal specifications.

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New Model Gives Indie Dealers Greater Leverage

One of the biggest problems independent auto dealers have is getting financing to run their credit operations. Now, a Milwaukee-area entrepreneur with a long auto sales pedigree has come up with a way to help dealers raise more money, and lower their financing costs while allowing a new group of investors to get into the auto finance business.

Read more from this great article by George Yacik by clicking here.

Decreased Ch 7 Filings Trend Slowing

2014-03-05 BLOG

Chapter 7 Filings increased slightly (1.4%) in February compared to January 2014.  The number of Chapter 7 filings from February 2013 showed a significant decrease of over 11,000 (-18.2%) from February filings the year before.  February 2014 numbers show the downward trend slowing as some 46,000 filings were processed last month compared to the 50,000 processed in February of 2013 representing a reduction of only 6.8%.



PLEASE NOTE: Our data is based on one per household, minus multiple filers and has been cleansed to postal specifications.